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Our Mentor

Mr. Rakesh Pathania

  • “Our aim at Vidyavati International School is to build our youth for the future. We go beyond traditional education, focusing on holistic learning experiences. We believe in teaching students to learn, not just study. Our goal is to mold the youth in our hands, preparing them for an abstract and unknown future.

    Dear students, you are the nation-builders, the agents of nobility, and the best service providers. During your time at Vidyavati International School, we strive to equip you with leadership and devotion skills. The knowledge and qualities you gain will be your contribution to your parents, society, and the nation.

    We trust in your abilities and invest all our efforts in you. We craft you for the future rather than creating it. Challenges will arise, but remember that great efforts lead to sweet success. We want you to taste the fruit of success and never rest.

    Remember, you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

    Best wishes,

    Rakesh Pathania
    Former Cabinet Minister – Himachal Pradesh Government”

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